
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Shortcuts for the Visual Basic Editor

Shortcut keyActionMenu equivalent comments
F2View Object BrowserView, Object Browser
F3Find Next 
F4Properies WindowView, Properties Window
F5Run Sub/Form or Run MacroRun, Run Macro
F6Switch Split Windows 
F7View Code WindowView, Code
F8Step IntoDebug, Step Into
F9Toggle BreakpointDebug, Toggle Breakpoint
F10Activate Menu Bar 
Shift+F2View definitionView, Definition
Shift+F3Find Previous 
Shift+F7View ObjectView, Object
Shift+F8Step OverDebug, Step Over
Shift+F9Quick WatchDebug, Quick Watch
Shift+F10Show Right Click Menu 
Ctrl+F2Focus To Object Box 
Ctrl+F4Close Window 
Ctrl+F8Run To CursorDebug, Run To Cursor
Ctrl+F10Activate Menu Bar 
Alt+F4Close VBEFile, Close and Return to Microsoft Excel
Alt+F6Switch Between Last 2 Windows 
Alt+F11Return To Application 
Ctrl+Shift+F2Go to last positionView, Last Position
Ctrl+Shift+F8Step OutDebug, Step Out
Ctrl+Shift+F9Clear All BreakpointsDebug, Clear All Breakpoints
InsertToggle Insert Mode 
DeleteDeleteEdit, Clear
HomeMove to beginning of line 
EndMove to end of line 
Page UpPage Up 
Page DownPage Down 
Left ArrowLeft 
Right ArrowRight 
Up ArrowUp 
Down ArrowDown 
TabIndentEdit, Indent
EnterNew Line 
BackSpaceDelete Prev Char 
Shift+InsertPasteEdit, Paste
Shift+HomeSelect To Start Of Line 
Shift+EndSelect To End Of Line 
Shift+Page UpSelect To Top Of Module 
Shift+Page DownSelect To End Of Module 
Shift+Left ArrowExtend Selection Left 1 Char 
Shift+Right ArrowExtend Selection Right 1 Char 
Shift+Up ArrowExtend Selection Up 
Shift+Down ArrowExtend Selection Down 
Shift+TabOutdentEdit, Outdent
Alt+SpacebarSystem Menu 
Alt+TabCycle Applications 
Ctrl+ASelect AllEdit, Select All
Ctrl+CCopyEdit, Copy
Ctrl+EExport ModuleFile, Export File
Ctrl+FFindEdit, Find…
Ctrl+GImmediate WindowView, Immediate Window
Ctrl+HReplaceEdit, Replace…
Ctrl+ITurn On Quick InfoEdit, Quikc Info
Ctrl+JList Properties/MethodsEdit, List Properties/Methods
Ctrl+LShow Call Stack 
Ctrl+MImport FileFile, Import File
Ctrl+NNew Line 
Ctrl+PPrintFile, Print
Ctrl+RProject ExplorerView, Project Explorer
Ctrl+SSaveFile, Save
Ctrl+TShow Available ComponentsInsert, Components...
Ctrl+VPasteEdit, Paste
Ctrl+XCutEdit, Cut
Ctrl+YCut Entire Line 
Ctrl+ZUndoEdit, Undo
Ctrl+InsertCopyEdit, Copy
Ctrl+DeleteDelete To End Of Word 
Ctrl+HomeTop Of Module 
Ctrl+EndEnd Of Module 
Ctrl+Page UpTop Of Current Procedure 
Ctrl+Page DownEnd Of Current Procedure 
Ctrl+Left ArrowMove one word to left 
Ctrl+Right ArrowMove one word to right 
Ctrl+Up ArrowPrevious Procedure 
Ctrl+Down ArrowNext Procedure 
Ctrl+SpacebarComplete WordEdit, Complete Word
Ctrl+TabCycle Windows 
Ctrl+BackSpaceDelete To Start Of Word 
Ctrl+Shift+IParameter InfoEdit, Parameter Info
Ctrl+Shift+JList ConstantsEdit, List Constants

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